Thursday, January 3, 2013

Waiting game

Christian did not recieve the nesin, tightening of the esophagus to help with his reflux irritating his paralyzed vocal cord and prevent aspirating into his lungs, and the g-tube Wednesday due to lack of staff in the CICU for his recovery.  He is scheduled for it tomorrow, Friday, January 4, 2013.  Please continue to pray for him.  They will slowly introduce milk and increase as long as he tolerates it.  Pray for a speedy recovery and a smooth surgery.  He has a problem with his oxygen levels when he goes under, so we expect him to be in the CICU for a few days until his levels are stable, but God has worked so many other miracles just pray he does really well.  Thank you for the continued support and prayer.  He is doing very well, even pooped on mommy today :)

1 comment:

  1. I am praying for your beautiful boy, you, your husband, and your medical team.

    You are not alone. I am also the mom of a beautiful boy, our only child.

    I, too, have seen my baby endure medical procedures for a life-threatening condition, yet I would never imagine assuming that I know exactly how you feel.

    I have experienced overwhelming emotions, thoughts of what the future will hold, and questions of how and why this all happened.

    How do we deal with the task of raising such a beautiful boy who is a gift and miracle from God?

    By crying out to the One who made him.

    I have experienced great comfort in finding that God is big enough to handle my anger, hurt, and anxiety, and that even still, He is holding us and our baby boy in His strong and capable hands.

    Do I walk in this truth daily? Honestly? No.

    I have to revisit the truth time and time again and say, "OK, God has brought our baby this far, and He's not going to leave us now."

    I depend on the prayers of anyone and everyone who is willing to lift up our family, and so I want to do the same for you.

    I have shared your request for prayer with my friends because I know how much it means to me to be lifted up.

    My heart is with you. ~ A Beautiful Boy's Mommy
